Tuesday, August 31, 2010


took the images a while back and thought id post them to show you all, what do you think guys ? i still haven't decided what i think of them lol.

ideas for the nature and mankind

ideas for the nature and mankind photography assignment.

Light it up !!
with this photography project i have decided to take a similar approach i took in the bottle project.

think out side the box:
this year with the course i have been opened up to a whole new world of art and digital art. Through this assignment id like to show how this course has opened up my mind and made me think outside the box !!

I will create a sense of movement with the led lights, color, contrast and a depth with the natural light of the night landscape.
in my images i will have led lights photographed in a long exposure there for creating light color and movement. i will have led lights creating word in which i am still to deiced. example "think outside the box" place of photography still to be deiced.

and i am going to go home now bye bye :)  

Monday, August 30, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010


I'v been sick for the past week, but id like to assure you i haven't just been laying in bed doing nothing. iv been hard at work on my 20 sketches and all the drawings and frequently checking in on the blogs.

but there is one question id like to ask what are the "drawings Text and Self and Distortion portrait" ?